Wisdom begins with wonder...
I'm a independent maker of meaningful and thoughtful jewellery. Handmade from start to finish. The most time consuming part of creating each piece of my jewellery is the letter pressing. I personally hand stamp each individual piece of one letter at time. You can think of me as a human printing press!

The process of letterpressing is simply striking a steel stamp with a hammer. This leaves an impression of the stamp in the silver. From there the piece is finished to a medium matte.

Care: Silver will tarnish over time. To keep a bright finish, good old fashioned toothpaste works great with brush on with a old toothbrush. For stubborn tarnish, a thick paste of baking soda and water works great. Avoid harsh chemical dips and pastes. Not only are they bad for the environment, they in time accelerate the tarnishing process.

Outside of creating, depending on the time of year, you will find me on the ocean or zooming around the mountains. "Go where you feel most alive."

External link opens in new tab or window@andreawaines